Erasmus+ KA229 2020 – SK01 – KA229 – 078261_4
Local Event – European Impact: Local History in European Context

Local Events

Working as modern journalists in different topics

Al-Andalus, II World War, Comunism, Velvet Revolution

High Remarks about Local Events

Velvet Revolution

November 1989 is the story of
how people with diverse opinions
ons, various backgrounds, and
different occupations were able
to overcome their differences
and unite behind a single
goal: freedom

Romania in international context and II World War

The point of view of Romania in events such as the II World War

Al – Andalus

Spanish students researched on Al-Andalus. They found out traces in architecture, agriculture, language, meals…

Finnish history and CSCE 1975

The Spirit of Helsinki along history

Italian Antifascist Resistance

The Italian resistance includes the political and military movements that in Italy, after the armistice of Cassibile, opposed Nazifascism in the context of the Italian liberation